faust, 29, they/he
nonbinary bisexual, taken

more info, interests, contacts

pfp: @rayji9

bigots, creeps, web3 users get blocked on sightnon-art accounts are 18+ only! i'll soft-block minors

main interests are digimon (the virtual pets in particular!) and live a live (super famicom and switch!) — others include but aren't limited to:

video games: final fantasy xiv, touhou project
anime and manga: jojo's bizarre adventure
other: neopets (2005 era), itemlabel, geese, birds in general, dinosaurs in general, terrible puns

⚠️ all media here is enjoyed critically,
i can and do acknowledge issues ⚠️

i draw @

inkblot, ko-fi, sheezyart

find me @

bluesky, cohost, tumblr, twitter

oyunbileg qalli @ exodus
drifting dandy @ famfrit
faust @ grundo's cafe